French Neglected Tropical Diseases Research Group
Finding sustainable solutions to fight NTDs

What we do ?
Operational research on filariasis and soil-transmitted helminths
Research on filariasis has brought major results, in particular the first demonstration that lymphatic filariasis can be eliminated by twice-yearly mass treatments with albendazole alone. This strategy is now recommended by WHO in areas where LF is coendemic with loaisis and where the classical combination of ivermectin+albendazole cannot be used because of the risk of post-ivermectin encephalopathy.
In addition, the group demonstrated, for the first time, the efficacy and applicability of a rapid Loa Loa microfilaremia quantification tool (the LoaScope®) to identify subjects at risk for developing post-ivermectin encephalopathy. Also for the first time, the group demonstrated that excess mortality was associated with high Loa Loa microfilaremia.
Finally, also for the first time, it was shown that high Onchocerca volvulus microfilaremia in childhood is associated with the risk of developing epilepsy.